Friday, February 10, 2006

Score estimation

Here's one reason not to be quick to resign a game:

Your score estimation may be notably off.

In the game illustrated above, I assumed that I had lost badly when I looked at White's large areas to the top, the lower left, and to the right. White also had a nice dragon snaking through my positions. My opponent was one rank ahead of me so there was a 0.5 komi.

As the game progressed, I thought that I might as well resign. It even began to feel painful when White started some desperate territorial-reduction attempts.

As it turned out, after the scores were tallied, I was 9.5 moku ahead.

My understanding is that professionals, and some higher-ranking players, will often estimate the score several times during a game. After the middle game begins, they will keep track on a point-by-point basis.

That's a skill for me to develop at a much later date.

For those who are already interested in this subject, Kiseido has a book by Cho Chikun which is entitled Positional Judgement: High-Speed Game Analysis. In it, he describes his methods for quickly calculating real and potential territory.


At 6:26 PM, February 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, chiyodad. I had the same problem as you for a while, so here's a site a friend pointed out to me a while ago:

i hope i spelt that right. Cheers.

At 6:28 PM, February 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, i forgot...

Right click on the lesson and select "save target as" to save it as a .sgf file on your desktop

At 9:38 PM, February 10, 2006, Blogger ChiyoDad said...

Thanks xcmeijin! Those SGFs may turn out to be rather helpful.


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